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OWMA Requests the Transition of the MHSW Program to the RRCEA

OWMA Requests the Transition of the MHSW Program to the RRCEA
27 Mar 2018 by Calvin Lakhan

OWMA has written the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change to request a wind-up letter for the MHSW program and the development of new MHSW regulation under the Resource Productivity and Circular Economy Act (RRCEA). This request would be consistent with the Ministry’s direction regarding Tires and Waste Electronics and Electrical Equipment that have been previously announced. The OWMA reinforced the importance of certainty around the MHSW program and transition timelines for private companies and municipalities to support future investment and system improvements in the management of MHSW. Moving forward with MHSW now will ensure that the wind up and transition of the MHSW program is not delayed and will set all WDA programs with the exception of the Blue box, on similar and parallel processes.


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