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Ontario government issues RFP on studying landfill planning

Ontario government issues RFP on studying landfill planning
30 May 2017 by Calvin Lakhan


As part of the Waste-Free Ontario Strategy, the government has committed to reform the planning and management of landfill sites to reduce emissions and environmental risks. The strategy recognizes the need for landfill space as the province work towards the goal of a waste-free Ontario. It also lays out steps to ensure environmental standards are being put into place at landfills across the province.

To address this specific action the government released an RFP entitled “Project: tender_6094 - “Study: Landfill Planning and Management in Ontario.” The deadline for submissions is June 8. The project will likely begin in July and last five months.

This study will provide an opportunity for the sector to highlight its priorities and work with the government to develop a more consistent, predictable approvals process for new landfill sites and needed disposal capacity. The OWMA will be working through its Waste Disposal & Transfer committee to provide feedback to the government through this process.

Some concerns have been raised that this study might impact the status of current landfill approvals, but it appears the MOECC is continuing to move forward with approvals at this time.

As one additional reminder, the MOECC has also posted the draft Landfill Gas Offset Protocol on the Environmental Registry with a deadline for comments of June 18. If you have any questions or feedback about the offset protocol, please contact the OWMA office 905-791-9500.